City Recorder

The City Recorder holds one of three key staff positions spelled out in the city charter. They administer the recording of the City Council proceedings, and hold custody of official city records and correspondence. They serve as city elections officer, performing duties as specified by Oregon’s Elections laws, including initiative and referendum petitions, City office candidates, political party reporting requirements, measures, and tax levy elections.

The City Recorder serves as Office Manager for the City. 

The City Recorder is responsible for managing city records, archives and handling public records requests.


If you are interested in presenting an item to the City Council for consideration, please submit all pertinent documentation via cityrecorder [at] (email) or drop it off at City Hall. All agenda items must be approved by the Mayor. The Council meets on the first and third Monday each month at 7:00 p.m. The deadline for item submission is the Tuesday prior to the Council meeting.

Subscribe to City Council Agendas.

Tammy H.
Deputy City Recorder
(503) 842-2472